La Porte County
Mentoring Collaborative
Helping our young people realize their full potential.
Mentoring creates opportunities to help youth to dream beyond their current life challenges and set a path toward personal and academic success.
Mentoring can help youth as they go through challenging life transitions, including dealing with stressful changes at home or transitioning to adulthood. Close, healthy, supportive relationships between mentors and mentees that last for a significant portion of time (i.e., more than one year) are central to success.
The La Porte County Mentoring Collaborative was formed to promote mentoring throughout our local communities, share best practices to support our youth, and work together to provide effective mentor training.
You can make a difference Today
Volunteer to be a mentor with one of partner organizations here in La Porte County.
Contact: Amanda Lower, Slicer Champions Program Coordinator
Email: alower@lpcasa.com
Phone: (219) 362-3102 x61027
Website: lpcsc.k12.in.usThe Slicer Champions Program is now proudly serving under Family Advocates! Through this partnership, the Slicer Champions Mentoring Program will gain access to expanded resources, enhancing our ability to support both the mentors and the youth they serve.
Their mission remains the same - to empower and advocate for youth by offering mentorship and support, helping them develop life skills, achieve their goals, and reach for the stars as they grow into confident and capable leaders.
Slicer Champions is a program designed to help students to set goals, problem-solve challenges, and celebrate their successes. Mentors are provided training and support throughout the mentoring relationship. The time spent with our youth opens doors to learning for both the mentor and mentee.
Contact: Gretchen Kubit MSW, LSW, School Buddies Program Director
Email: schoolbuddies@csinet.net
Phone: (219) 362-9587 x107
Website: youthservicebureau.comThe School Buddies program makes a positive difference in the lives of young people through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with caring adults. The School Buddies program helps students with building self-esteem and confidence as well as encouraging students to realize true potential. This program can make a huge difference in a child’s life!
School Buddies is one-to-one mentoring that takes place in the schools. Volunteers meet with students one hour a week during the school day on school grounds. During match visits, a Big Buddy can help a Little Buddy with homework, talk about their school day, play a game and just be a friend in a child’s life.
Being a friend one hour a week to a student in the School Buddies program makes a difference!
Safe Harbor is no longer offering the H4O mentoring program. We are currently partnering with Youth Service Bureau to facilitate mentorships. Please contact Brenda Johnstone for mentoring opportunities at bjohnstone@mcas.k12.in.us.
Listening sessions with our friends and neighbors told us loud and clear that our youth need to be engaged and feel supported while growing up in our community.
There is a great need in La Porte County for many of our young people to have someone to step into their lives and stand alongside them. When several of our partner agencies came together to form the La Porte County Mentoring Collaborative, we were very excited to lend a hand and support this work.
Because, when it comes to supporting youth in La Porte County,
Manny had a mentor growing up that helped improve his attitude and keep him out of trouble. When Manny turned 18, he chose to become a mentor and was matched with Ethan when Ethan was in 3rd grade. As Ethan heads into high school, he says he has seen a big improvement in his life since being matched with Manny and he is grateful to have had this experience.
Ramona loves being a mentor. Sometimes she helps her mentee with school and sometimes it's more personal, sharing examples of Ramona’s experiences to let her mentee know she can relate. Just being there and letting her mentee know she cares has been important for both Ramona and her mentee.
Jaunda is a former preschool educator who became a mentor after she retired. She joined after hearing an ad on the radio about the need for School Buddies. For more than eight years, Jaunda has helped her mentee as an adult friend who listens and is a positive sounding board for her feelings.
Steve learned about mentoring opportunities while at work. Steve joined because he wanted to mentor an African American youth like himself and make a positive impact in the young man’s life. Steve and his mentee have shared very important moments together, creating a strong and meaningful bond.
We are United for Impact in La Porte County
Improving access to nutritious food and quality education helps people overcome barriers to good health.
We help children get off to a good start and empower youth to reach their full potential.
We help hardworking families make ends meet and connect them with opportunities to achieve a more secure financial future.
Resilient communities are ready for any challenge — we work with our neighbors to help all residents prosper.
For immediate help and access to essential community resources, dial 2-1-1 or 866-211-9966 or visit in211.communityos.org to connect to local resources in La Porte County.
2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that connects you to a community resource specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.