Our Impact
Building a better tomorrow for La Porte County
Since 1957, United Way of La Porte County has mobilized the caring power of our local community to bring resources and services to La Porte County that help everyone thrive.
United Way of LaPorte County's focus on HEALTHY COMMUNITY, YOUTH OPPORTUNITY, FINANCIAL SECURITY, and COMMUNITY RESILIENCY creates pathways to success for our local youth and adults, brings financial stability and security to working adults and their families, fights homelessness, and provides a safety net for our friends and neighbors in times of crisis. Our integrated and collaborative structure coordinates community-based health and human service efforts to advocate with a common agenda, pool resources, standardize measurement, share results, and avoid duplication.
The local dollars we raise here, stay here; and we leverage the power of the worldwide United Way network to bring more and new resources to La Porte County every day.
UNITED IS THE WAY we achieve greater impact, develop lasting outcomes, and change lives in La Porte County.
We are your local united way
Health Community
Improving health and well-being for all
Everyone should be able to make healthy choices for themselves and their families. But there can be lots of barriers in underserved communities. Our partnerships with local groups expand access to nutritious food, quality health care, education and life-saving services.
We help people live healthier lives by improving their access to quality health care — regardless of financial challenges or immigration or insurance status. Supporting caregivers and ensuring veterans and seniors have transportation to medical appointments are just two ways we help our most vulnerable neighbors overcome barriers to good health.
In La Porte County, we help make quality health care available to underserved families, especially mothers and children, so they can survive and thrive.
Too many of our neighbors don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Many more are unable to access healthy, nutritious food. That’s why United Way of La Porte County partners with local food banks and nutrition programs on innovative ways to tackle hunger.
Good health isn’t just about what happens in the doctor’s office. Where we live, work and play also has an impact. That’s why we work closely with community partners to create safe and inclusive environments where everyone can enjoy a thriving culture of health.
Part of improving access to health education and quality health care is offering services that can help people prevent chronic illness and infectious diseases, as well as manage and heal from them.
United Way of La Porte County is proud to partner with local organizations to bring life saving mental health services to our community’s youth and the people who love them. If a child or teen in your life needs help, please
Dial 9-8-8 or 800-273-TALK to reach The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Dial 2-1-1 to access local La Porte County System of Care resources
Text “helpline” to 62640 to chat via text message, or
Chat online at chat.988lifeline.org
You can also download resources and the La Porte County Youth Mental Health Needs Assessment on our website.
United Way of La Porte County is committed to helping people at risk of substance misuse disorders. We support prevention, treatment and recovery intervention delivered without stigma or judgment. And through local community partnerships, we’re helping tackle the opioid crisis.
Youth Opportunity
Helping young people realize their full potential.
United Way of La Porte County strives to build partnerships and support organizations that provide school-age children and young people with high-quality out-of-school time opportunities that promote improvements to their intellectual, behavioral, and physical well-being.
Mentoring focuses on building healthy supportive relationships between a caring adult and a child/youth. Mentoring creates opportunities to help youth to dream beyond their current life challenges and set a path toward personal and academic success.
Mentoring can help youth as they go through challenging life transitions, including dealing with stressful changes at home or transitioning to adulthood. Close, healthy, supportive relationships between mentors and mentees that last for a significant portion of time (i.e., more than one year) are central to success.
The LaPorte County Mentoring Collaborative was formed to promote mentoring throughout our local communities, share best practices to support our youth, and work together to provide effective mentor training.
United Way of La Porte County conduct a Youth Mental Health Community Needs Assessment in 2024 to describe the scope of youth mental health issues across the community, as well as to identify best practices to address youth and community mental health needs.
This report features an array of data on behavioral health resources and needs in La Porte County, with a focus on short-term and long-term solutions.
Research shows a child’s first few years are critical to developing a strong foundation for success in school, work and life. That’s why United Way has such a strong focus on early learning, wherever kids are being cared for. Helping childcare teachers, caregivers and families get support and training lets them provide that strong foundation. And helping community partners empower themselves improves childcare quality and access.
Academics and graduation rates improve when kids get extra help outside the classroom. There are physical and social-emotional benefits too. But many families don’t have access to tutoring, afterschool care or summer programs. United Way works with educators, families and partners to close gaps, such as having community hubs at schools help families access food pantries, job training and other resources.
Reading matters. By fourth grade, kids should be reading to learn rather than learning to read. And if a child isn’t reading well by then, the road ahead is tougher. So we’re bringing volunteers into childcare centers and classrooms to read aloud. We’re getting more books into more kids’ hands, including partnering with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library so children under 5 can get free books monthly. And we’re also mobilizing volunteer reading tutors.
Young people have to navigate an increasingly competitive college and career landscape, so we provide access to the skills they need to succeed in school and in the workplace. We collaborate to bring education, training and job placement resources to young adults living in La Porte County.
Creating a stronger financial future for every generation.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to earn a living that can sustain a family and build security for future generations. That’s why we’re partnering to help more adults thrive in a career, live in quality housing and build generational wealth.
Level Up La Porte County helps build bridges between struggling, working adults of all ages and better paying employment opportunities. Participants achieve greater financial stability through access to local community resources and support, such as job training programs, career planning services, and job placement assistance.
The Level Up program helps individuals break the cycle of poverty, access life-changing education opportunities, plan sustainable career paths, develop habits for lasting change, and achieve greater financial stability.
Our local partners help people learn how to manage credit, reduce debt and build assets, and make money management skills more accessible.
The United Way MySmartMoney site also has tips and tools to help people improve their skills online.
United Way connects people to short-term shelter, eviction relief and rent support through our Indiana 211 help line. We partner to help individuals and families avoid homelessness. And we work to make homeownership an achievable goal for more families.
United Way of La Porte County makes it easier for people to get the public benefits they’re entitled to. The caring experts at 211 — the 24/7 resource supported by United Way — connect people to public programs.
Community Resiliency
Addressing urgent needs today for a better tomorrow.
Everyone in La Porte County deserves to prosper. We work with our neighbors to build resiliency in our community to help us be more connected, supportive and ready to respond to any challenge.
211 is a free hotline that connects people to locally available resources. In La Porte County, you can dial 2-1-1 or 866-211-9966 or visit in211.communityos.org to connect to local resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Some 2,000 caring experts across North America field 42,000 calls a day in 180+ languages. 211 is a local lifeline with national power available to every one in La Porte County during crises, working together to make life better for all.
No other agency in La Porte County can quickly mobilize local resources in a crises like United Way. Be it natural disasters like storms and fires, health crisis like the COIVD-19 pandemic, or social issues like the opioid crisis and cycles of poverty, we raise money for immediate relief, as well as for recovery and rebuilding. We also manage local volunteers, provide direct services, and support partners on the ground.
Stabilizing individuals and families during times of crisis is absolutely critical in the delivery of our mission to help our community's households thrive.
It’s difficult to talk to someone about going back to school or preparing a household budget when they're worried about where their children will sleep tonight or whether there will be enough food to eat. In some cases, it’s vital to stabilize individuals and families with emergency food, shelter, clothing, and other essentials before we can begin working on improving their education, financial stability, and health.
United Way's safety net strategies for individuals and families in LaPorte County are focused around meeting basic needs and fostering independence when faced with unexpected life challenges and times of crisis. We take a holistic approach to helping people move toward prosperity by creating opportunities and removing barriers. We support local partners who are providing basic human needs such as access to healthy food, a safe place to live, shelter from violence, and a solid platform from which our neighbors in need can focus on long term goals.
For immediate help and access to essential community resources, dial 2-1-1 or 866-211-9966 or visit in211.communityos.org to connect to local resources in La Porte County.
2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that connects you to a community resource specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.